Friday, December 31, 1999 at 06:01PM
Jody R Goode in Inspirations of Fellowship & Relationship

In secret I was fearfully and wonderfully made,
a single fiber created in perfect texture and hue,
meant to be woven into the Master's tapestry of life

Often I tried to take over the Master's Hand
and weave myself into His tapestry
yet never quite fitting I found my ends
all tattered and worn

Now I seek the company of other fibers
perfectly hand-crafted by the Master
to share with them my life
and become intertwined with theirs
for I know that a cord of many strands
is not quickly torn apart

Strength, comfort and understanding come from sharing
and soon I find my ends not so tattered, not so worn,
I find once again that I fit
through the eye of the Master's needle

In faith we come together and in time we find
a beautiful tapestry of lives being perfectly woven
by the Master's Hand of Love


Article originally appeared on Words Inspired to Lift Your Heart to Heaven (
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