Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 11:42PM
Jody R Goode in Inspirations of our Awesome God
Perfectly and wondrously created in His eternal love
Our Father saw through timeless eyes of the great Heavens above
That from His Presence, we would surely stray
Gazing with sorrow upon our backs as we walked away

Sin corrupted and distorted
From our hearts He heard no praise exhorted
Throughout the ages and generations
We chipped away at our sure foundations

Yet He so loved us, this was sure
That He gave to us His only Son - the precious Lamb so pure
Sacrifice born a babe so meek and holy
Our Savior to walk our earthly path so lowly

For when the appointed time had come
Bearing the weight of this fallen world upon Him
Our Savior succumbed to death so the Father could forgive
Proclaiming with final breath "It is finished!" all so we might live

Blessed with His Father's timeless eyes
He knew He could trust from death He would rise
To finish the glorious race, bringing victory with each stride
As He ran to welcoming Arms - to reign faithfully at the Father's side

The Father is the Beginning
For when we strayed left His gaze upon our backs imprinting
Yet He also is the End
From where His steadfast gaze watches for our return to our ever loving Friend
Article originally appeared on Words Inspired to Lift Your Heart to Heaven (
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