
These "inspirations"  have come as a result of my Lord's gentle teaching over the years and I am honored to share them with you. I pray that they may be a vessel through which God can touch your heart with a special blessing as you read and reflect prayerfully upon them.

May God be Glorified!

Jody R Goode

AKA the 'Hug Lady'

(Kisses, Kisses, Kisses, Hug!)

Guest Writer's Circle
Whispers of God

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My mind is like a turbulent sea
     each wave and splash of water
          bringing frustration...
My God says, "be still".

This day, can there be found any good in it?
     Each turn I make I find more
My Father says, "be still".

The world, moving so fast,
     too fast.
          Where are they going?
               Where am I going?
My Comforter says, "be still".

I feel alone - though there are crowds surrounding me.
     Will I get lost?
          Who will find me?
My Friend says, "I am with you, be still".

The Lord is my God, my Father, my Comforter, my Friend...

In Him I (will) find rest and peace.

With Him I find the power to...                                                                         
          ...be still.


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